Monday, January 18, 2010

Miracles abound

I had such a special Sabbath day. I went to visit in my home ward sacrament meeting and it was wonderful. I was able to touch base with so many friends and neighbors. Then I went to my ward and had a marvelous meeting there. Such excellent messages and I'm glad I took notes from both meetings. I also have some challenges to work toward this year. I am taking the new Family Search class and we went to the Stake Center to get signed into the program . Then I looked up my info to see what they had. I decided I should work on my mother's family first because that seemed to be the most needful. When I got to her parents and siblings I found out that ALL the work had been completed by someone in San Diego. I was able to get a reference so that I can contact her and see what other info she has--and find out where she fits in the family. Then back to our Church for Relief Society and another great lesson. After our block meetings we visited with one of our Visiting Teaching sisters. Then I headed for the Stake Center to set up for Baptism Preview. We had over 50 people attend and it worked out very well. Then I was able to kick back a little until our 9 pm. Ward prayer meeting. Excellent Sabbath day.
I had finished a quilt top Saturday and look forward to starting the next one this week. I decided I wanted to begin looking through my parents books--have about 20 boxes full. I wanted to see if I could find "The Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith" because President Christensen is always quoting it in his lessons. The second box brought forth the treasure. I'm so excited to have one more resource for my studies.
Tonight we meet with Frank's brothers and spouses for dinner and then a sister-in-law is staying over with us. I'm so thankful to have such wonderful blessings in my life. I hope you all have special blessings this week also.
After I posted this I read a new blog by a woman who wrote a remarkable book. In one of her entries she quoted the scripture 1 Nephi 4:6 "And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do." This is the same scripture we were given as a guide in doing our family history. To me it was a MIRACLE because it reminds me to listen to the Spirit AND follow the promptings. Saturday I was prompted to wash the sheets in our guest room and didn't follow it. Fortunately, I have enough time to wash them today so they can be used tonight. I need to listen and follow promptings more readily. I am thankful to have this lesson brought to my mind--another wonderful miracle.

1 comment:

mombeal said...

Isn't the spirit a wonderful guide? I certainly have used more than my share the last two weeks. But it was interesting how I chose which room to go to there found Steve Beck who said that I was in the right room to teach my lesson. Now wasn't that a coincidence? No such thing as coincidence. I'm glad your Sunday was a good one. See you Wednesday.