Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Today I'm learning more about courage. General George Patton said, "Fear kills more people than death." Everyone has fears and needs courage to face them. When you are afraid you have two choices--do nothing and let the fear fester like a cancer, or identify what you fear and deal with it. I am actually enjoying facing some of my fears because I realize if I face them I am finally in control. Sometimes things are overwhelming. "You often hear, Be bold. Take a leap! Sometimes you should. Other times, there's a better idea. Take a step." (Harry Beckwith) I like that saying because I can just take a few meaningful, well-planned steps to face my fears, and make progress towards my goal. I'm trying to develop some better habits and I can see that step by step they are possible. Have a sunshiny day.

1 comment:

mombeal said...

You go girl! I like these ideas. Thanks for sharing them. One step into the darkness is sometimes pretty scary, but with friends like you it makes it less scary. I appreciate you. Love, Bev