Monday, April 13, 2009


I had written my day's post and tried to publish it and got a blank. Oh well, here we go again. Maybe there's something I need to think more about before I publish. Anyway, I went to the dietician this morning and she said I was doing everything right. Yea! I had lost weight and had excellent blood sugar levels for the last week. My insulin seems to be doing well. I have had some lightheadedness and a dizzy spell. They think that may be related to some blood pressure problems, so we are going to check that out. I feel like I'm getting a handle on some of my eating challenges and working on some others to help make this a more permanent lifestyle for the future. I certainly don't want to give in to complications without a battle. I also think these changes are do-able. I've heard that slow and steady wins the race, and I'll enjoy the journey while I'm at it. I might not be perfect in my choices, but I will keep on trying until I win. How's that for positive thinking! Hope your Monday is a great one.


mombeal said...

Slow and steady and you will be the winner! I am proud of you. Losing weight too! Good for you. I can hardly wait Thursday. So much to tell and listen to. I don't know what I would do without you two ladies for my sounding board. Love ya so much, Bev

Gretzbabi said...

Yeah! I am so proud of you! how fun is that to do it! DO IT! I think Kyle is a good thing, no kitchen duty! What a great start and I know you will succeed! Love ya!