Today I'm looking for the things I have instead of the things I "wish" I had. There is no sense in wishing away our life waiting until something happens to come along. No more "things will be better when summer comes"; I'll be happy when.....; When I lose weight; When I am on vacation; or someday..... to make me happy. I am going to enjoy what I have now. I have a sweet hubby, six wonderful children, six special children by marriage, eight fantastic grandchildren, four granddogs, and marvelous extended family. I have a warm, comfortable home, and a car that runs. I have special, dear friends that brighten my day and excellent neighbors. I know that my Redeemer lives and I love the callings I have to serve Him and others. I have good, caring doctors that are helping me make some much needed changes. I have beautiful mountains that are always magnificent. I have lotions, water, TV, scrapbooking, newspapers, libraries, sudoku, the Wii, popcorn, fresh fruit, places to go, restaurants to go with loved ones, and the scriptures. I can walk, see, hear most things, use my hands, brain, and heart and serve others. I can keep busy and yet take a nap when I want to. Life is GOOD! Hope yours is too.